Discrete Dynamics Lab -
Andrew Wuensche
andy AT ddlab DOT org
Flat 6, 3 Grape Street, London WC2 H8DX, UK

Tools for researching Cellular Automata,
Random Boolean Networks, multi-value Discrete Dynamical Networks,
and beyond
to support the DDLab project
to download the latest DDLab software and manual,
and for further details, publications and links.
There are also mirror sites:
Univ of Sussex
International Center of Unconventional Computing, University of the West of England
DDLab is free (open source) software under the GNU General Public License.
However, institutional users (commercial or educational) are required to register
and pay the relevant registration fee. Personal users are also encouraged to register.
Registered users will receive a simple instruction to remove the annoying
"UNREGISTERED" banners in DDLab. The registration fees are as follows
(shown in US dollars, or pay the equivalent in another currency):
- personal users
registration: $30
- educational institutions
site registration for up to 20 users:
- commercial users, companies, or government agencies
site registration for up to 5 users:
Unregistered DDLab displays this banner on startup and at various other
together with this permanent "UNREGISTERED" notice in DDLab's top frame.
Registered users will receive a simple instruction to remove both the banners.
DDLab is copyright (c) 1993-2011, Andrew Wuensche.
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Last modified: April 2011